Baro Alto Training Services
Insurance and IDD Compliance training
We provide on-site and e-learning training in insurance law, including the compulsory training required by applicable regulations (CAPA 3, 15 hours of continuing education in respect of the IDD, etc.)
This skills training is mainly intended for executive officers and employees in insurance and/or reinsurance broking companies (brokers, agents, etc.) involved in the distribution of insurance and/or reinsurance products.
Continuing education program
Understanding the insurance distribution business and environment and how it can vary depending on the position you hold
Develop your knowledge of the rules governing insurance product distribution
Customer relations from A to Z
Setting up prevention and compliance measures
Adapting to organisational and technological changes
Developing a portfolio in compliance with applicable regulations
Property and liability insurance
Professional skills specific to certain methods of distribution
Develop your knowledge of the procedures imposed by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (French Prudential supervisory and dispute resolution authority) in terms of auditing and penalties or the internal control procedures implemented within a company
Develop an affinity portfolio in compliance with applicable regulations
They trust us
Very complete, very useful and very lively training!