A Business Law Firm

With a know-how acquired in leading French and international law firms, Baro Alto associates legal expertise with a close knowledge of the business world.

Specialized in litigation

To promote a thorough approach to dispute resolution, from prevention to resolution, before any jurisdiction.
We offer our highly skilled experience of prevention and management of disputes before French or international jurisdictions.

A human-sized firm

To provide a unique full service offer to our clients in times of extreme tension.
We are highly reactive in managing the various phases of a dispute; our practical approach ensures that your goals are fulfilled and we defend your best interests.

With a network of correspondents

To respond to our clients’ issues, whether international or going beyond the legal scope.
Our network enables us to monitor our clients’ litigation before any jurisdiction and to ensure a constant level of quality in our services.

Our Team

Awards and Recognition


Baro Alto conseille des compagnies d’assurance, des intermédiaires et des assurés dans la gestion d’un large éventail de sujets.

Géraldine Brasier Porterie conseille des entreprises industrielles et du luxe, ainsi que des établissements bancaires et financiers. Elle gère notamment des sujets de couverture d’assurance de collection d’œuvres d’art, des sinistres et des dossiers de responsabilité des produits, ainsi que des dossiers de construction et de responsabilité D&O.

Caroline Joly est spécialisée en matière de gestion des risques.

Enfin, Pierrick Jupile-Boisverd est un expert des procédures d’arbitrage d’assurance.


Baro Alto assiste de grandes entreprises, en défense ou en qualité de victime ou de partie civile.

Le cabinet gère un large volume d’affaires touchant à des accusations de nature variée ; abus de biens sociaux, fraude, harcèlement, accident du travail. Il offre également des compétences en matière d’éthique et de conformité.

L’équipe est récemment intervenue dans un dossier de place en matière de fraude fiscale. Elle est aussi impliquée dans une affaire médiatique concernant le monde politique.

La pratique est codirigée par Caroline Joly, Géraldine Brasier-Porterie et Pierrick Jupile-Boisverd.

Litigation & Arbitration - Litigation AMF, ACPR and listed transactions - 2024 ranking - Law firm - France: « Excellent »

Labor & Employment - Criminal labor law - Law firm - France – 2024: « Highly recommended »

Industrial risks & liability litigation - Civil liability and financial risk - Ranking 2023 - Law firm – France: « Excellent »

Dispute resolution - White collar crime - Ranking 2023 - Law firm – France: « Excellent »

Promotion & construction - Construction litigation (including insurance) - Ranking 2023 - Law firm – France: « Highly recommended »

Industrial risks & liability litigation - Insurance & Reinsurance - Ranking 2023 - Law firm – France: « Highly recommended »

Industrial risks & liability litigation - Product liability - Ranking 2023 - Law firm – France: « Highly recommended »

Industrial risks & liability litigation - Claims and insurance litigation - Ranking 2023 - Law firm – France: « Highly recommended »

Dispute resolution - Commercial litigation - Ranking 2023 - Law firm – France: « Highly recommended »

Compliance - Compliance program - Ranking 2023 - Law firm – France: « Highly recommended »


The “BARO ALTO ACADEMY” is an innovative experiment of a practical and educational nature conducted by Baro Alto’s lawyers and students of the Master 2 DFE of the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.

The “BARO ALTO ACADEMY” focuses on the reconciliation of privacy and evidence of the offence.

Participating in this program:

  • Caroline JOLY, co-founding partner of Baro Alto
  • Smbat HAKOBYAN (student interviewed)
  • Mehdi NOBLET
  • Clément DAMBLANT
  • Bradley ALET

The ” BARO ALTO ACADEMY ” is an innovative experiment of a practical and educational nature conducted by Baro Alto’s lawyers and students of the Master 2 DFE of the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.

The ” BARO ALTO ACADEMY ” focuses here on the impact of Covid on the criminal liability of managers.

Participating in this program:

  • Caroline JOLY, co-founding partner of Baro Alto
  • Mehdi NOBLET (student interviewed)
  • Clément DAMBLANT
  • Bradley ALET
  • Smbat HAKOBYAN

The “BARO ALTO ACADEMY” is an innovative experiment of a practical and educational nature conducted by the lawyers of Baro Alto and the students of the Master 2 DFE of the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.

The “BARO ALTO ACADEMY” focuses here on the European public prosecutor’s office.

Participating in this program:

  • Caroline JOLY, co-founding partner of Baro Alto
  • Bradley ALET (student interviewed)
  • Clément DAMBLANT
  • Mehdi NOBLET
  • Smbat HAKOBYAN

The “BARO ALTO ACADEMY” is an innovative experiment of a practical and pedagogical nature conducted by the lawyers of Baro Alto and the students of the Master 2 DFE of the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.

The “BARO ALTO ACADEMY” focuses here on the Judicial Convention of Public Interest (CJIP).

Participating in this program:

  • Caroline JOLY, co-founding partner of Baro Alto
  • Clément DAMBLANT (student interviewed)
  • Bradley ALET
  • Mehdi NOBLET
  • Smbat HAKOBYAN

BARO ALTO ACADEMY is an innovative, hands-on educational initiative led by Baro Alto’s team of lawyers and the students in the Master 2 DFE course (corporate law and taxation) at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. This year, their work was focused on criminal sanctions against company managers and took the form of five interviews.

In this interview, BARO ALTO ACADEMY briefly presents the legislative amendments made in response to the ineffectiveness of criminal sanctions, using the example of environmental criminal law.

Caroline Joly would like to thank Antoine AUBIN (student interviewed), Benjamin SERVIGNE, Gil Gaspar RODRIGUES and Valentin TARTARY for their commitment to this project, as well as the magazine Le Monde Du Droit (LMDD).

BARO ALTO ACADEMY is an innovative, hands-on educational initiative led by Baro Alto’s team of lawyers and the students in the Master 2 DFE course (corporate law and taxation) at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. This year, their work was focused on criminal sanctions against company managers and took the form of five interviews.

In this interview, BARO ALTO ACADEMY reviews the European directive of 23 October 2019, to be transposed into French law before 17 December 2021, and presents the new whistleblower regulations.

Caroline Joly would like to thank Gil Gaspar RODRIGUES (student interviewed), Mathilde GONÇALVES, Salome MARTY and Victoria CONSTAS for their commitment to this project, as well as the magazine Le Monde Du Droit (LMDD).

BARO ALTO ACADEMY is an innovative, hands-on educational initiative led by Baro Alto’s team of lawyers and the students in the Master 2 DFE course (corporate law and taxation) at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. This year, their work was focused on criminal sanctions against company managers and took the form of five interviews.

In this interview, BARO ALTO ACADEMY looks at the role of sanctions in criminal proceedings and the increasing importance of the media and social networks.

Caroline Joly would like to thank Margot BOSC (student interviewed), Adam MALEK, Jade MATHE and Lucie DORIER for their commitment to this project, as well as the magazine Le Monde Du Droit (LMDD).

BARO ALTO ACADEMY is an innovative, hands-on educational initiative led by Baro Alto’s team of lawyers and the students in the Master 2 DFE course (corporate law and taxation) at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. This year, their work was focused on criminal sanctions against company managers and took the form of five interviews.

In this interview, BARO ALTO ACADEMY presents the latest developments regarding the risk of exposure to a double criminal penalty for company managers.

Caroline Joly would like to thank Benjamin SERVIGNE (student interviewed), Camille BERRENS, Charlène COURDERC, Eva GERSTENLAUER and Julie KLEISCH for their commitment to this project, as well as the magazine Le Monde Du Droit (LMDD).

BARO ALTO ACADEMY is an innovative, hands-on educational initiative led by Baro Alto’s team of lawyers and the students in the Master 2 DFE course (corporate law and taxation) at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. This year, their work was focused on criminal sanctions against company managers and took the form of five interviews.

In this interview, BARO ALTO ACADEMY reviews the French reform of criminal procedure of 23 March 2019 and how it improves the effectiveness of criminal sanctions against company managers.

Caroline Joly would like to thank to Adam MALEK (student interviewed), Elia ZANZOURI, Laurène COHEN-SABBAN, Lisa VIZZACCARO and Margot COHEN SALMON for their commitment to this project, as well as the magazine Le Monde Du Droit (LMDD).

If you wish to learn more about the European comparison to manage the corporate director criminal risk, have an overview per country and read about different lawyer reviews to quickly understand criminal liability issues click on the following link


Baro Alto has a regular activity of university training or professionals. The firm has entereds into various partnerships.

Baro Alto has concluded a partnership with the Clinique Juridique de la Sorbonne

Caroline Joly teaches in Master II DFE (Corporate and TaxLaw) in the University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne

Baro Alto has concluded a partnership with the association of Master II business law and litigations of the University of Paris West Nanterre La Défense

Caroline Joly is a partner of La Revue Fiduciaire

Caroline Joly is a lecturer at Lexis Nexis conferences